A Renowned Psychologist with a Heart for HEALING
Dr. Julie T. Anné Zeig is a licensed clinical psychologist and eating disorder and complex trauma expert whose inspirational work has been transforming the field of psychology for over 30 years. An esteemed faculty of Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, owner of A New Beginning, international presenter, and on-air psychologist, Dr. Julie is a sought after, heart-driven expert in the field of psychology.

Meet Dr. Julie!

An Innovative Model of Eating Disorder Treatment
Internationally recognized as a thought-leader in the field of eating disorders, Dr. Julie’s unwavering belief that every body has the capacity to FULLY recover from all disordered eating, has served as a catalyst and a guide for more effective, HOPE-filled treatment.
A vocal advocate of the need to recognize the undeniable role that UNRESOLVED complex trauma plays in one’s disordered relationship with food, Dr. Julie’s complex trauma-driven model of FULL recovery is changing how professionals conceptualize and treat issues of eating, body, weight, diet, food, attachment and relationship with Self.
International Speaker & Educator
A dynamic international presenter and workshop leader, Dr. Julie is recognized for her passion and commitment to educating professionals regarding how to effectively treat disordered eating, utilizing her complex trauma reparative model of FULL recovery. A tireless advocate, Dr. Julie can be found teaching, inspiring – and deeply touching – the healthcare hearts of professionals across the world including Japan, Spain, Greece, Italy, Taiwan, Mexico, and the United States, with her abundant knowledge, experience, and heart.

Inspirational Media Psychologist
Dr. Julie LOVES to enlighten others as to what eating disorders are REALLY about: what creates them, how to heal from them, and how to prevent them. With characteristic heart and enthusiasm, Dr. Julie can be found addressing topics related to body, weight, emotional health, Self-love and HOW to create a healthy relationship with food on her regular media segment, “Healthy from the Inside-Out” on Good Morning Arizona.
Want to be Inspired?
Subscribe today for our forthcoming newsletter from Dr. Julie

Upcoming Workshops
Dr. Julie’s workshops are more than just educational—they’re HOPE-filled, deeply personal and illuminating. To witness the power of exceptional therapeutic connection, compassion and Dr. Julie’s reparative attachment approach, book your workshop today!
February 10, 2025
HOPE & Prevention
Empowering Parents Within Our Eating Disordered Culture
Paradise Valley, Arizona
February 14, 2025
Virtual Masterclass Series
Experiential Psychotherapy
February 28 & March 1, 2025
What Curing Eating Disorders Taught Me About Healing Complex Trauma
A Reparative Model that Heals the Self and the Mis-Use of Food
Rottweil, Germany
April 15, 2025
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine: Eating Disorders
Intro to Psychiatry Course
Scottsdale, Arizona
June 15, 2025
When Eating is Complex
What Curing Eating Disorders Taught Me About Healing Complex Trauma
Puebla, Mexico
July 28 - August 1, 2025
Cape Cod Symposium MasterClass in Experiential Psychotherapy
Co-facilitated with Jeffrey Zeig
Cape Cod, MA
September 20 & 21, 2025
Adolescents & Complex Trauma
Identifying and Healing Trauma-Driven Issues Affecting Body-Image & Weight
Taipei, Taiwan
October 25 - 28, 2025
MasterClass: Experiential Psychotherapy
Co-facilitated with Jeffrey Zeig
Crete, Greece
Previous Workshops
March 13, 2024
"Train the Trainers" Event
Activating Compassion, Instilling Hope: The Creative Use of Case Presentations
Rottweil, Germany
April 2024
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine: Eating Disorders
Intro to Psychiatry Course
Scottsdale, Arizona
June 20-23, 2024
Experiential Masterclass
4-Day: Experiential Intensive Training: Co-facilitated with Dr. Jeffrey Zeig
Crete, Greece
August 19, 2024
Weight, Body-Image & Disordered Eating: Adolescents & Complex Trauma
Full Day in-person & Virtual training
November 1, 2024
When Eating is Complex
Full Day Workshop
Barcelona, Spain
November 2-5, 2024
MasterClass in Experiential Psychotherapy
Co-facilitated with Jeffrey Zeig
Barcelona, Spain

Expertise & HOPE: Psychological Services
The field of eating disorders has been stagnant for over 40 years. Offering only narrowly focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapeutic approaches that research consistently indicates are merely 50% effective.
Recovery rates for all eating disorders NEED to be higher. CAN be higher. Should be higher. We NEED to widen our conceptual lens to include awareness and treatment of the well-researched impact that UNRESOLVED complex trauma plays in chronic and disordered eating. Only then will the clients we are asked to serve, be able to attain full and lasting change.
It is with this conviction, that Dr. Julie offers innovative treatment models that include a complex trauma-informed approach to FULL recovery.
Professional Consultation & Case Review
Issues of attachment, dissociation and disconnection from one’s body, a history of early dieting and unresolved complex trauma are all factors which DRIVE the ultimate manifestation of disordered eating. Yet, are not readily considered in current models of eating disorder treatment.
“The treatment of eating disorders is complex. Yet, FULL resolution of all eating disorders IS possible.”
It is with this conviction that Dr. Julie offers consultation, education, and support to healthcare professionals across the globe. Professionals who are seeking to broaden their clinical understanding and deepen their level of therapeutic skill, when working to effectively treat those with disordered eating including: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, and chronic struggles with weight.
Dr. Julie is frequently found proclaiming that… “By widening our conceptual lens to include the awareness, assessment and incorporation of a complex trauma-informed treatment model which considers the aftereffects of early emotional neglect, domestic violence, attachment betrayal & abandonment, and physical, emotional and/or sexual trauma, clinicians are able to FULLY resolve all that creates disordered eating.”
It is with this heart-driven conviction that Dr. Julie offers a multitude of PERSONALIZED learning formats to help educate and support healthcare professionals throughout the world in her innovative treatment model and approach.
Consultation Formats Include
One-on-One Professional Consultation & Case Review
- Virtual or In-Person
- Ongoing or Single Consultation Formats Available
Small Group Consultation & Case Review
- Virtual or In-Person
- Time-Limited or Ongoing Formats Available
- International Options Available (with translator, if needed)
Organizational Consultation
- Virtual or In-Person
PERSONALIZED formats also available!
If you are interested in working with Dr. Julie and would like to discuss your professional needs, please contact Dr. Julie at: [email protected].
Therapeutic Services
Dr. Julie’s heart continues to be centered in her role as a clinical psychologist, helping to lift people out of emotional, behavioral or relational stagnation, and into the life they so desperately desire ~ and deserve to be living.
This includes helping people to HEAL fully from issues of disordered eating (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, emotional eating), chronic struggles with weight, chronic dissatisfaction with body, relationship issues, marital struggles, and/or unresolved complex trauma.
What IS complex trauma?
Early beginnings that may have included emotional neglect; emotional, physical or sexual abuse; under-parenting; living with a narcissistic parent or within a narcissistic family system; growing up in a domestic violence or an alcoholic family; having teen parents; having a parent who was depressed, physical ill or unable to care for you properly; abandonment or death of a parent: and/or mis-attuned parenting which left you feeling judged, invalidated, unsupported, or unworthy.
All of which affects your relationship with your body, your emotions, and with your Self, in the here and now.
If this sounds like you, and you would like to FINALLY fully resolve the underlying issues which are obstructing your ability to embrace the behavioral changes you so desperately want to make, please reach out. I would welcome the opportunity to work together, in support of your complete and sustainable emotional, relational and behavioral healing.
Interested but live across the country? Dr. Julie is honored to hold an expanded license through PsyPact, that allows her to provide psychotherapy vis-a-vis telehealth in more than 36 PsyPact approved states!
Curious to see if your state is approved under PsyPact? Simply click here.
“It would be my honor to help you finally embrace the hope and the healing you deserve!” Dr. Julie
If you are interested in working therapeutically with Dr. Julie, please contact Dr. Julie at: [email protected].
Professional Workshops & Virtual Trainings
Dr. Julie is a sought-after presenter who whole-heartedly enjoys teaching her reparative model of FULL eating disorder recovery to professional audiences throughout the world.
Trainings include full-day workshops, multiple day trainings, presentations, and virtual trainings & workshops. Recent trainings have included presentations in: Japan, Italy, Spain, Greece, Taiwan, Mexico and the United States.
Favorite Topics Include
- The Interwoven Relationship Between Complex Trauma and Disordered Eating: A Reparative Model that Heals the Self and the Mis-Use of Food
- When Eating is Complex: Dieting, Trauma & Intuitive Eating
- Strategic Attachment Repair Therapy (S-ART)™ for FULL Eating Disorder Recovery: Therapeutic Skills that REAIR Early Attachment Wounds & Disordered Eating
- It’s Binge Eating Disorder, NOT Obesity!
If you are interested in sponsoring Dr. Julie to deliver an in-person or virtual workshop, presentation or training, please contact Dr. Julie at: [email protected].
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